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Informal Information Evening

Tuesday 24 September
The Saracens Head, Towcester
(Buffet included)

Find out about the work of renew169 Wellbeing Café in Towcester


A variety of volunteering roles are available as we expand our opening hours to four days a week.


Everyone is welcome to come and find out more




If you can help with catering, please email

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New Vacancy

Wellbeing Assistant
12 hours per week initially, including a Wednesday and a Thursday, with a possibility of additional hours on a Friday in 2025.

Salary: £13 per hour

You will need:
1) Empathy, warmth and understanding of emotional and mental health difficulties
2) Excellent administration skills
3) Ability to signpost to other mental health organisations
4) Experience of working with volunteers, organising rotas etc
5) Christian faith or a sympathetic understanding of the Christian Faith.

If you would like to receive an application pack or to arrange an informal discussion, please email or call 07761 041203

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magic Little Grants

We are delighted to have received a Magic Little Grant through the partnership between Localgiving and Postcode Places Trust.


Postcode Places Trust is a grant-giving charity funded by players of the People's Postcode Lottery.


Localgiving is the UK’sleading membership and support network for local charities and community groups. 


Thank you so much.

Charity of the Year!

We are delighted to announce that The Bell Plantation, Towcester will be supporting renew169 Wellbeing Café as our Charity of the Year!


Renew169 Wellbeing Café are a Towcester based charity offering a drop-in service to anyone experiencing poor mental or emotional health such as anxiety, depression, grief or isolation. Our team of volunteers offer a quiet shared space at 169 Watling Street to share a cuppa, where it’s OK not to be OK.


The Bell Plantation are a family-run, independent garden centre in Towcester, Northants who have one passion and that is the great outdoors. They have a simple purpose; to help, support and supply everything you need to make your garden an amazing and relaxing place. They also believe that gardening aids mental health in a huge variety of ways, which is why they have teamed up with renew169 Wellbeing Café to raise awareness for those experiencing poor mental and emotional health.


We’re excited to be working together during 2022/3 and will be sharing communications and enjoying events together. We hope visitors to Bell Plantation and renew169 will support our collaboration and look forward to keeping you up to date.

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renew169 is a Persimmon Community Champion

Persimmon Community Champions has been set up to fund local good causes across the UK.


Each month, local businesses and charities can apply for funding by explaining what they do for the local community and why they should receive support and recognition.


Persimmon recognised the importance of the work undertaken by renew169 and have announced us as March winners and granted us £1,000.


More information about the scheme and previous winners can be found here.





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169 Watling Street




NN12 6BX


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renew169 is a Churches Together in Towcester initiative

Website designed by KreejoMedia 


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